Come participate in a classic Oktoberfest game! Steins will be filled (with water) and you will race around the clubhouse while holding your stein, this is not your typical speed race but more no liquid left behind race. The finisher with the most liquid left in their stein wins! We will have a kids race […]
Need to work on your short game? Well we have a BIG game that lets you do so! Join us for some chipping fun on the back lawn at 12pm to work up an appetite, sausages on the lawn to follow. Beverage cart will be present for your refreshment needs.
Join us for some classic Beer Brats and Beer on the back lawn, we will be lighting up the grill at 1:30pm. We will have beverages for sale but the sausages are free! There will be a face-in-hole photo op for the family and fun for the kids too! Don't miss out on this fun […]
Join us for some Halloween fun and classic music bingo at Billy Mac's! Wear your costumes if you wish, everyone who shows up in their costume will receive a free Hilton Head National koozie. Arrive early to secure your seat and hear the winner of the RV Decorating contest!